Marriott Hotels has been a prominent presence in Atlanta for the past 50 years, and they are celebrating this milestone with their #Key2ATL campaign. They recognize the importance of the people who have supported them throughout the years, and are inviting everyone to share stories of friends, family, and colleagues who they believe are key to Atlanta. This campaign aims to showcase the amazing individuals who have made Atlanta their home, including political leaders, artists, musicians, journalists, and many others.

One of the key members of the Marriott team is Smitty, who has been serving brilliantly for over 30 years. Known for personifying Southern hospitality, Smitty is not just a valued key to the hotel and the Marriott brand, but also to the entire city of Atlanta. As Marriott Hotels reflects on their 50-year journey, they are thrilled to have had the opportunity to be a part of an incredible community and are excited to share stories of inspiration over the next 50 days. If you know someone who inspires you in Atlanta, share your nominations using the hashtag #Key2ATL on Facebook or Twitter, and be a part of this celebration of Atlanta’s outstanding individuals.

Marriott Hotels 50 Years in Atlanta: #Key2ATL Campaign

Introduction and Background

Marriott Hotels has been a beloved part of the Atlanta community for the past 50 years. This milestone calls for a celebration to recognize all the incredible people who have supported Marriott and to invite everyone to share their stories of those who are truly #Key2ATL. Whether it’s a family member, friend, or colleague, we want to hear about the people who have made a positive impact on Atlanta and embody the spirit of Southern hospitality.

Recognition of Support

Throughout the years, Marriott Hotels in Atlanta has received immense support from the local community. We are grateful for the dedication and loyalty of our guests, as well as the hard work and commitment of our staff. One individual who especially stands out is Smitty, a long-time member of our Marriott team who has faithfully served for over 30 years. Known as “Southern hospitality personified,” Smitty is not only a key to our hotel and the Marriott brand, but also to the entire city of Atlanta. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Smitty and to all those who have supported us over the years.

Invitation to Share Stories

As part of the #Key2ATL campaign, we are inviting everyone to share their inspiring stories of friends, family, and colleagues who they believe are key to Atlanta. These individuals could be anyone who has made a positive impact on the city and its people. We want to hear about their acts of kindness, leadership, artistic talents, or any other qualities that have contributed to making Atlanta an incredible place to live and visit.

Importance of Atlanta

Atlanta holds a special place in the hearts of Marriott Hotels. This vibrant city is not only a hub for business and culture but also a melting pot of diverse communities. From its iconic skyline to its historic landmarks, Atlanta offers a unique blend of Southern charm and urban excitement. Marriott is proud to have been a part of Atlanta’s growth and development over the past 50 years, and we are committed to contributing to its continued success.

Amazing People in Atlanta

Atlanta is home to some truly amazing individuals who have had a significant impact on the city and beyond. From political leaders to artists, musicians, and journalists, these individuals have used their talents and passions to shape Atlanta into the remarkable place it is today.

Political Leaders

Throughout its history, Atlanta has been blessed with visionary political leaders who have worked tirelessly to improve the city and advocate for its residents. From mayors to senators and congressmen, these individuals have tackled challenges, promoted growth, and fought for equality and justice.


Atlanta’s vibrant arts scene would not be what it is today without the contributions of talented artists. From painters and sculptors to photographers and street performers, the city is teeming with creativity. These artists have used their talents to express themselves, tell stories, and bring beauty and inspiration to the community.


Atlanta is known as the birthplace of some of the greatest musicians in the world. From the soulful sounds of R&B and the rhythmic beats of hip-hop to the twang of country music, Atlanta has produced a wide range of musical talents that have left an indelible mark on the industry. These musicians have not only entertained audiences but also become cultural icons and ambassadors for the city.


The field of journalism plays a crucial role in any community, and Atlanta is no exception. The city has been home to many talented journalists who have fearlessly reported on important issues, told captivating stories, and held those in power accountable. Their commitment to the truth and dedication to informing the public have made Atlanta a better-informed and more engaged city.

Community Service in Atlanta

Atlanta is a city known for its strong sense of community and dedication to helping others. Countless individuals and organizations work tirelessly to address social issues, support those in need, and create positive change in the city. Their selfless acts of kindness and unwavering commitment to serving others exemplify the spirit of Atlanta.

Love for Marriott Hotels

Marriott Hotels has developed a deep connection with the people of Atlanta over the past 50 years. Guests have come to trust and rely on Marriott’s commitment to quality service and exceptional experiences. Our team members, like Smitty, embody the spirit of Southern hospitality and make guests feel welcomed and cared for. This genuine love for our hotels and the Marriott brand is what makes Atlanta’s Marriott properties truly special.

Memorable Moments with Marriott

Over the past 50 years, there have been countless memorable moments at Marriott hotels in Atlanta. From hosting important conventions and events to creating cherished memories for families and friends, Marriott has been a part of many incredible experiences in the city. These moments have shaped the hotel’s legacy and deepened its connection with the Atlanta community.

Sharing Nominations on Social Media

To participate in the #Key2ATL campaign, we invite everyone to share their nominations on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #Key2ATL. By sharing stories of those who are truly key to Atlanta, we can celebrate their contributions and inspire others in the community. We will be sharing these stories over the next 50 days as we commemorate our anniversary and show gratitude to all those who make Atlanta a wonderful place to call home.

Anniversary Celebration

As part of the celebration, Marriott Hotels in Atlanta will be hosting special events and activities throughout the year. These will include exclusive offers for guests, community events, and opportunities to recognize and honor the amazing individuals who have made Atlanta what it is today. We look forward to coming together with the community to celebrate 50 years of Marriott Hotels in Atlanta and the remarkable people who have been key to our success.


Marriott Hotels’ 50 years in Atlanta would not have been possible without the support and contributions of the incredible people who call this city home. From the dedicated staff members who have served with excellence to the guests who have made Marriott their hotel of choice, we are grateful for the bonds forged over the years. As we embark on the #Key2ATL campaign, we invite everyone to join us in celebrating the remarkable individuals who have shaped Atlanta and made it the vibrant city it is today. Let us share our stories, honor those who are key to Atlanta, and continue to build a future together that is filled with warmth, hospitality, and a deep sense of community.