Have you ever wondered if living in Atlanta comes with a hefty price tag? Well, fear not! In this article, we will explore whether Atlanta is truly an expensive city to live in. Whether you’re considering a move or simply curious about the cost of living in the capital of Georgia, we’ll provide you with an insight into Atlanta’s affordability. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive into the fascinating world of Atlanta’s living expenses.

Cost of Living in Atlanta

Atlanta is a vibrant and bustling city that offers a wide range of opportunities for residents. However, before deciding to move to or live in Atlanta, it’s important to consider the cost of living. Understanding the costs associated with housing, transportation, food, utilities, healthcare, education, and entertainment can help you plan your budget and make informed decisions.


When it comes to housing, Atlanta offers a variety of options that cater to different budgets and preferences. Rent prices in Atlanta can vary depending on the neighborhood, size of the property, and amenities. On average, a one-bedroom apartment in a desirable area can cost around $1,500 per month. If you’re looking to purchase a house or condo in Atlanta, prices can range from $300,000 to over a million dollars, depending on the location and size.


In terms of transportation, Atlanta has several options to get around the city. Public transportation is available through MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority), which includes buses and trains. The cost for a one-way trip on MARTA is affordable, with fares starting at $2.50. If you prefer to own a car, be prepared for expenses such as car loan payments, insurance, and maintenance. Gas prices in Atlanta are relatively reasonable compared to other major cities.


Whether you prefer cooking at home or dining out, Atlanta offers a range of options to satisfy your culinary cravings. Grocery prices in Atlanta are generally affordable, with a typical basket of essential items costing around $50 to $100 per week. In terms of eating out, Atlanta is known for its diverse and vibrant food scene. From trendy restaurants to local eateries, you can find a meal to suit any budget. On average, a mid-range dinner for two in Atlanta can cost around $50 to $100, depending on the restaurant.


Utility costs in Atlanta include electricity, water, and internet services. On average, the monthly electricity bill for a 900-square-foot apartment is around $100. Water bills will depend on usage and can range from $20 to $50 per month. Internet services in Atlanta are reasonably priced, with monthly packages starting from $50. As with any city, it’s important to factor in these utility costs when considering your monthly budget.


Healthcare costs are a significant consideration for anyone, and Atlanta offers a range of options for medical services. Health insurance premiums can vary based on factors such as age, health conditions, and the provider. On average, the monthly cost for health insurance in Atlanta is around $400 for an individual and $1,200 for a family. It’s important to research the different healthcare options and compare insurance plans to find the best fit for your needs.


Atlanta has a diverse range of educational opportunities, from public schools to private institutions and higher education. Public schools in Atlanta are funded by tax dollars and offer free education to residents. The quality of public schools can vary, so it’s important to research and consider factors such as school ratings and extracurricular programs. Private schools in Atlanta offer more specialized education options, but tuition fees can be higher, ranging from $10,000 to $30,000 per year. Higher education in Atlanta includes universities and colleges, with tuition costs varying depending on the institution and program.


Atlanta is a city that never lacks entertainment options. From movies and shows to fitness and sports activities, there is something for everyone. Movie tickets in Atlanta cost around $10 to $15, depending on the theater and time of day. Fitness and sports facilities offer a wide range of membership options to cater to different budgets and interests. Shopping in Atlanta can be a delightful experience, with a variety of malls, boutiques, and local stores to explore. Dining out in Atlanta offers endless choices, from budget-friendly eateries to high-end restaurants.

Comparison to Other Cities

To put the cost of living in Atlanta into perspective, it’s important to compare it to the national average and other major cities in the country.

National Average

Compared to the national average, Atlanta’s overall cost of living is slightly higher. Housing costs in Atlanta are relatively affordable, with rent and purchase prices comparable to the national average. Transportation costs in Atlanta are lower than in many major cities, making it a more affordable option for commuters. Food prices in Atlanta are generally in line with the national average, offering a good balance between affordability and choice. Utility costs in Atlanta are also comparable to the national average. Healthcare expenses in Atlanta can be higher than the national average, so it’s important to consider this when planning for medical expenses. Education costs in Atlanta vary depending on the type of institution, similar to the national average. Entertainment costs in Atlanta can be higher due to the wide range of options available.

Other Major Cities

Compared to other major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, or San Francisco, Atlanta offers a more affordable cost of living. Housing costs in Atlanta are significantly lower than in these cities, making it an attractive option for those looking for a more budget-friendly lifestyle. Transportation costs in Atlanta are also lower compared to cities with higher congestion and limited public transportation options. Food prices in Atlanta are generally lower than in major cities, providing residents with a more affordable culinary experience. Utility costs in Atlanta are comparable to other major cities. Healthcare expenses in Atlanta can vary, but overall, it is more affordable compared to cities with higher healthcare costs. Education costs in Atlanta are generally lower than in other major cities, making it a more accessible option for families. Entertainment costs in Atlanta offer more value for money compared to cities where entertainment prices can be significantly higher.

Housing Costs

When it comes to housing costs, Atlanta offers both rental and purchase options to suit different budgetary needs.


Rent prices in Atlanta can vary based on factors such as location, apartment size, and amenities. On average, a one-bedroom apartment in a desirable neighborhood can cost around $1,500 per month. However, it’s important to note that rental prices can range significantly depending on the specific area within Atlanta. Factors such as proximity to downtown, access to public transportation, and neighborhood safety can affect rental prices. It’s recommended to research different neighborhoods and consider factors such as commute times and amenities when searching for rental properties.


If you’re considering purchasing a home in Atlanta, prices can vary depending on the location, size, and condition of the property. On average, a single-family home in Atlanta can range from $300,000 to over a million dollars, depending on the neighborhood and specific features. Condo prices can also vary, with options available at a lower price point. It’s important to work with a reputable real estate agent who can guide you through the home-buying process and help you find a property that fits your budget and preferences.

Transportation Expenses

Atlanta provides residents with several options for transportation, each with its own associated costs.

Public Transportation

MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) is the primary public transportation system in Atlanta. MARTA offers buses and trains, providing convenient access to various parts of the city. The cost for a one-way trip on MARTA is $2.50 for adults and $1.25 for children and seniors. MARTA also offers different fare options, including weekly and monthly passes, which can help save money for frequent riders. Using public transportation in Atlanta can be a cost-effective option for those looking to minimize transportation expenses.

Car Ownership

If you prefer to own a car in Atlanta, it’s important to consider the associated costs. In addition to the purchase price of a vehicle, you’ll need to factor in expenses such as car loans, insurance, fuel, maintenance, and parking fees. Car loan payments can vary depending on the price of the vehicle and the terms of the loan. Insurance costs in Atlanta can also vary based on factors such as your driving history, age, and the type of vehicle you own. Fuel costs in Atlanta are generally reasonable compared to other major cities, with gas prices averaging around $2.50 per gallon. Maintenance expenses can vary depending on the age and condition of your vehicle. It’s crucial to budget for these expenses when considering car ownership in Atlanta.

Gas Prices

Gasoline is an essential expense for car owners and can significantly impact transportation costs. Gas prices in Atlanta are generally lower compared to other major cities in the United States. As of [year], the average price of gasoline in Atlanta is around $2.50 per gallon. However, gas prices can fluctuate based on factors such as oil prices, taxes, and regional demand. Monitoring gas prices and utilizing gas reward programs can help you save money on fuel costs.

Food Prices

Whether you prefer cooking at home or dining out, Atlanta offers a range of options to satisfy your gastronomic desires.


Grocery prices in Atlanta are generally affordable, offering a good balance between quality and cost. The cost of groceries will depend on factors such as the type of products you purchase, the grocery store you choose, and any sales or discounts available. On average, a typical basket of essential items can cost around $50 to $100 per week. Shopping at discount supermarkets or utilizing coupons and promotions can help you save money on groceries in Atlanta. Additionally, exploring local farmers’ markets can provide access to fresh produce at more competitive prices.

Eating Out

Atlanta is known for its diverse and vibrant food scene, offering a wide range of dining options. Whether you’re looking for Southern comfort food, international cuisine, or trendy eateries, Atlanta has something for everyone. The cost of eating out in Atlanta can vary significantly depending on the type of restaurant and meal you choose. A mid-range dinner for two at a popular restaurant can cost around $50 to $100, excluding beverages and additional charges. Dining out in Atlanta is a fantastic way to explore different flavors and support local businesses, but it’s important to budget accordingly based on your preferences and financial capacity.

Utility Costs

Utility costs are an inevitable part of daily life, and it’s important to factor them into your budget when living in Atlanta.


The cost of electricity in Atlanta will depend on factors such as the size of your residence, energy usage, and the provider you choose. On average, a 900-square-foot apartment in Atlanta can have a monthly electricity bill of around $100, excluding any additional fees or taxes. It’s crucial to practice energy-saving habits, such as turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and adjusting thermostats to ensure optimal energy consumption and reduce electricity costs.


Water bills in Atlanta can vary based on individual usage, as well as any additional fees or taxes imposed by the water provider. On average, monthly water bills can range from $20 to $50, depending on water consumption and household size. Practicing water conservation techniques, such as fixing leaks, using efficient fixtures, and minimizing outdoor water usage, can help reduce water bills in Atlanta.


Internet services are an essential part of modern living, enabling communication, work, and entertainment. In Atlanta, the cost of internet services can vary based on factors such as the provider, connection speed, and any bundled services. On average, monthly internet packages in Atlanta start from $50, offering a range of options based on speed and additional features. It’s recommended to compare different providers and packages to find the best fit for your connectivity needs and budget.

Healthcare Expenses

Healthcare is a critical consideration for individuals and families, and understanding the associated expenses is crucial when living in Atlanta.

Health Insurance

The cost of health insurance in Atlanta can vary based on several factors, including age, health condition, coverage type, and provider. On average, monthly health insurance premiums in Atlanta range from $400 for an individual to $1,200 for a family, although these costs can increase or decrease based on coverage and personal circumstances. It’s important to research different insurance providers and plans, considering factors such as deductibles, copayments, and network coverage, to find the most suitable and affordable health insurance options.

Medical Services

Medical expenses in Atlanta can vary depending on the type of service required, healthcare provider, insurance coverage, and individual health needs. Routine check-ups, preventive care, and common medical procedures typically have set prices that can be covered by health insurance. However, unexpected medical situations and specialized treatments may incur higher costs. It’s crucial to have a budget for medical expenses, including copayments, deductibles, and any out-of-pocket costs, to ensure appropriate financial planning for healthcare needs.

Education Costs

Education is an important investment in the future, and Atlanta provides various educational opportunities at different levels.

Public Schools

Public schools in Atlanta are funded through tax dollars and offer free education to residents. While public schools vary in quality, research and consideration of factors such as school ratings, extracurricular programs, and proximity to your residence can help you make informed decisions. Public education in Atlanta is a viable option for families looking for free or more affordable education for their children.

Private Schools

Private schools provide specialized education options but often come with additional costs. Tuition fees for private schools in Atlanta can range from $10,000 to $30,000 per year, depending on the institution, grade level, and any additional services or programs offered. Private schools offer smaller class sizes, personalized attention, and a distinct curriculum, but it’s important to budget for tuition costs and consider the overall financial implications before enrolling in a private school.

Higher Education

Atlanta is home to a variety of universities and colleges, offering higher education options for individuals seeking to pursue a degree or advance their careers. Tuition costs for higher education in Atlanta vary depending on the institution, program, and degree level. Researching different universities and colleges and comparing tuition rates, financial aid options, and potential scholarships can help you make informed decisions about higher education costs in Atlanta.

Entertainment Costs

Atlanta is a city that provides a wide range of entertainment options to suit different interests and preferences.

Movies and Shows

Going to the movies or attending shows and performances is a popular form of entertainment in Atlanta. Movie ticket prices in Atlanta range from $10 to $15, depending on the theater, film format, and time of day. Shows and performances can vary in price based on factors such as the venue, production, and popularity. Taking advantage of matinee showings or discounted tickets can help save money while enjoying the entertainment scene in Atlanta.

Fitness and Sports

Staying active and pursuing fitness goals is an important aspect of many people’s lives. Atlanta offers a variety of fitness and sports facilities, each with its own associated costs. Gym memberships in Atlanta generally range from $30 to $100 per month, depending on the facility, membership tier, and included amenities. Specialty fitness classes or programs may have additional fees. Sports activities, such as joining a league or participating in recreational events, can also vary in cost based on the specific sport and level of involvement.


Shopping in Atlanta is a favorite pastime for many residents and visitors alike. The city offers a mix of large malls, boutique stores, and local markets, providing diverse shopping experiences. Shopping expenses in Atlanta will depend on personal preferences, budget, and the type of products or brands you choose. From high-end luxury stores to budget-friendly options, Atlanta caters to different shopping needs and price ranges.

Dining Out

Dining out in Atlanta is an integral part of the city’s culture, and the food scene offers endless options. Restaurants in Atlanta vary in price based on factors such as the cuisine, ambiance, and location. Budget-friendly eateries can provide delicious meals without breaking the bank, while high-end restaurants offer unique dining experiences at a higher cost. It’s important to budget accordingly based on your dining preferences and financial capacity.


Atlanta offers a diverse and vibrant lifestyle, but it’s essential to consider the cost of living when planning your budget. Housing costs in Atlanta are generally affordable, with rental and purchase options available to suit different budgets. Transportation costs in Atlanta are lower compared to other major cities, with public transportation and reasonable gas prices. Food prices in Atlanta provide a good balance between quality and affordability, whether you choose to cook at home or dine out. Utility costs in Atlanta are comparable to the national average, including electricity, water, and internet services. Healthcare expenses in Atlanta can vary, so it’s crucial to research and consider health insurance options. Education costs in Atlanta vary depending on the type of institution, but both public and private options are available. Entertainment costs in Atlanta offer a range of options, from movies and shows to fitness, shopping, and dining out. Understanding the cost of living in Atlanta can help you budget effectively and make informed decisions about your lifestyle in the city.