Hey there! So let me tell you about our experience at the Hilton Atlanta in Georgia. We recently took our very first family vacation to Atlanta as a special Christmas treat. We wanted to create lasting memories rather than give temporary gifts, so we booked a stay at this beautiful hotel. After a long four and a half hour drive with the kids, we finally arrived at our destination safely. This was our first time seeing and staying at the Hilton Atlanta, and we were excited to explore. We documented the entire experience in a video tour, so make sure to watch it for our genuine reactions. From glass elevators to multiple restaurants and stunning Christmas decorations, this hotel exceeded our expectations! We’ll be posting new videos each week, so stay tuned for more adventures.

Arriving at Hilton Atlanta

Late start and car ride

After a late start and hitting the snooze button a few too many times, you and your family are finally on your way to Hilton Atlanta. The four and a half hour car ride with the kids has been quite the adventure so far. Despite the nasty weather outside, you’re determined to make the best of it and create lasting memories on your first family vacation in Atlanta.

Arriving in Atlanta

As you enter Georgia, you can’t help but marvel at the welcome you receive. Driving into the garage, you find out that overnight parking is quite expensive at $32, but thankfully, as hotel guests, you have access to the elevated lobby. Navigating your way through, you can’t contain your excitement as you haven’t checked in yet and don’t have a key. Nonetheless, you’re ready to make the most of your time in Atlanta.

Checking into the hotel

Finally, you make your way to the check-in area, and your first impression of the hotel’s grandeur overwhelms you. With a million Christmas trees decorating the space, the festive spirit is in full swing. You’re greeted by friendly staff as you check in and are handed your room keys. It’s time to embark on a tour of the hotel and see what it has to offer.

First Impressions

Driving into the parking garage

As you drive into the parking garage, you can’t help but appreciate the convenience of having a secure place to leave your car during your stay. The thought of not having to worry about finding parking in a busy city like Atlanta brings a sense of ease to your mind.

Lobby experience

Stepping into the lobby, you’re immediately struck by the elegance of the surroundings. The lobby is beautifully decorated, exuding charm and sophistication. The sight of the Christmas decorations adds a touch of magic, making you feel like you’ve entered a winter wonderland. The warm and inviting atmosphere sets the stage for a memorable stay.

Touring the hotel

As you wander through the hotel, you’re amazed by its grandeur. With three restaurants, a rooftop area, and a Starbucks, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. The hotel’s attention to detail is evident in every corner, and you can’t help but appreciate the care that has been put into creating such a welcoming environment.

Glass elevator ride

One of the highlights of the hotel is the glass elevator. Taking a ride in it gives you a breathtaking view of the surroundings as you ascend to your room on the 20th floor. The mix of excitement and slight nervousness adds to the overall experience, and you can’t wait to explore what awaits you on your floor.

Exploring the Hotel


With three restaurants to choose from, you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to dining options. Whether you’re in the mood for a casual meal or a more formal dining experience, the hotel has you covered. The variety of cuisines and the high-quality food ensure that every meal is a delightful experience.

Rooftop area

The rooftop area of the hotel is a hidden gem. From here, you can take in breathtaking views of the city skyline while enjoying a refreshing drink or indulging in some delicious food. The relaxed ambiance and stunning vistas make it the perfect place to unwind and soak in the beauty of Atlanta.


It’s always a treat to have a Starbucks conveniently located within your hotel. Whether you need your daily dose of caffeine or something sweet to satisfy your cravings, you can count on Starbucks to deliver. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, drawing you in and providing a comforting familiarity amidst your travels.

Christmas decorations

The hotel’s Christmas decorations deserve a special mention. With an impressive display of countless Christmas trees, the festive cheer is infectious. The attention to detail and the effort put into creating the festive ambiance add an extra layer of delight to your stay. It truly feels like the perfect backdrop for a memorable holiday experience.

The Room

Entering the room

As you enter your room, you’re greeted by an immaculately clean and well-appointed space. The warm lighting and tasteful decor create an inviting atmosphere, making you feel right at home. The anticipation builds as you wonder what surprises await you during your stay.

20th floor view

One of the perks of staying on the 20th floor is the breathtaking view it offers. You can see the city stretching out before you, its lights twinkling in the night sky. It’s a reminder of how lucky you are to be experiencing Atlanta from such a vantage point.

Room features

The room is equipped with all the amenities you could ask for. From a comfortable bed to a large television and a mini-fridge, your every need has been taken into consideration. The attention to detail, from the plush pillows to the soft, luxurious linens, adds an extra touch of comfort to your stay.


The bathroom is a haven of relaxation. With its sleek design and modern fixtures, it’s the perfect place to unwind after a day of exploring. The spacious shower and luxurious toiletries make you feel pampered and rejuvenated. It’s a sanctuary within the larger sanctuary of your room.


The closet provides ample space for all your belongings, ensuring that your room stays tidy and organized throughout your stay. It’s a thoughtful addition that adds to the overall convenience and comfort of your experience at Hilton Atlanta.

Window view

Drawing back the curtains, you’re greeted by a stunning view of Atlanta. The cityscape captivates you, and you can’t help but spend a few minutes gazing out at the bustling streets below. It’s a reminder of the adventure that awaits you outside the hotel’s doors.

Family Reactions

Children’s excitement

Seeing your children’s excitement and amazement at every new discovery in the hotel is priceless. Their eyes light up as they take in the grandeur of the lobby, the sparkling Christmas decorations, and the breathtaking view from your room. Their joy is infectious, and it fills your heart with warmth and happiness.

First family vacation

This trip marks your first family vacation, and it’s a milestone you’ll always cherish. The anticipation leading up to the trip, the excitement of exploring a new city together, and the joy of creating memories as a family make this experience extra special. It’s a time to bond and strengthen the bonds that hold your family together.

Last vacation of 2020

As the year comes to an end, this vacation represents a final opportunity to make lasting memories in 2020. It’s a chance to reflect on the challenges and triumphs of the year and celebrate the strength and resilience that has carried your family through. It’s a bittersweet moment, but one that fills you with gratitude and hope for the future.

Enjoying the space

The spaciousness of the room allows your family to spread out and enjoy their own personal space. Whether it’s watching a movie, playing games, or simply relaxing, everyone has room to breathe and unwind. It’s a luxury that adds an extra layer of comfort and relaxation to your stay at Hilton Atlanta.


Overall experience

Your overall experience at Hilton Atlanta has been nothing short of exceptional. From the moment you arrived to the moment you checked out, the hotel’s attention to detail, warm hospitality, and stunning amenities have exceeded your expectations. The memories you’ve created during your stay will be cherished for years to come.

Memorable family trip

This family trip has been a truly memorable experience. From the late start and car ride to the first impressions, exploring the hotel, and enjoying the room, every moment has contributed to an unforgettable adventure. It’s a vacation that will hold a special place in your family’s heart, and the stories and laughter shared during this time will be recounted for years to come.

Appreciation for Hilton Atlanta

Your stay at Hilton Atlanta has left you with a deep appreciation for the hotel and its staff. The impeccable service, attention to detail, and beautiful surroundings have made your experience truly exceptional. As you bid farewell to the hotel, you do so with gratitude and a desire to return in the future. Hilton Atlanta has become more than just a hotel; it’s a place filled with cherished memories.